Textile Retailers NKD Masters

Effectively manage high numbers of application and answer as of one of the largest textile retailer in Germany and Austria overcome the NKD Vertriebs GmbH headquartered in Bindlach near Bayreuth since July 2012 their flood of applications with the HR4YOU-TRM software solution. A special feature is the mass processing of incoming paper applications that go to NKD even in times of email and online applications still in high numbers. This is not surprising at Meanwhile soon 2,000 branches and almost 8,000 employees in Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland and of Switzerland. HR4YOU has developed a special function to be able to answer quickly and without much effort also in paper form or return, clear and efficient candidate management to applications. Assigning a status in the system determines what answer an applicant receives and when. Letter and resume are sorted by these status groups and prepared for batch processing.

So, all the operations are electronic clearly stated and none of the candidates long stalled or even forgotten. The processing times of applications from the entrance to the forwarding to the departments could be shortened at NKD already after a few weeks. We are very pleased that we could professionalize our processes and accelerate the introduction of HR4YOU-TRM. In the competition for the best talent, a win for our candidates as our departments also counts speed in the application process. (Ralf-Peter Wolter, Manager. Personnel management NKD Vertriebs GmbH head of Department) more features such as the automatic detection of the CV will also facilitate the personnel work.

Here, for example, information from incoming applications without additional work in the appropriate database fields are transferred. A special trade department access allows you to bind a regional HR business partner in recruitment. This means access to all data without complex delivery of the documents, as well as active contact information for those responsible. Promote human resources development in the future some extensions of the software features for staff development are planned. This will develop HR4YOU together with NKD precisely to the specific requirements of the company. This involves management in particular the staff assessment, questions of the filling and the talent. It aims to build technical and management internally and promote. Contact information/press contact HR4YOU Solutions GmbH & co. KG schulstrasse 1 91320 Ebermannstadt Tel: + 49 (0) 9194 72522-0 fax: + 49 (0) 9194 72522-20 contact person: Tina Kaiser company profile HR4YOU heard since the year 2000 to the leading software suppliers for human resources management systems, all processes around that personnel offer and demand efficiently and sustainably optimize. The product – and service portfolio covers software application for companies in the area of recruiting, personnel consultants and service providers as well as job and labour market portals. Due to many years of experience in human resources and on HR4YOU offers a symbiosis of human resources economic and labour market-relevant know-how in combination with an excellent IT background the labour market.

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Alternative Online Advertising

Online advertising, that are effective, but little known the Internet is to think no more away in the 21st century. Billions of people use it every day and every little company has a Web site on the Internet. Total industry sales of online trade in goods is in 2011 21,48 billion euros has increased and therefore corresponds to an increase of about 17% over the previous year. Online marketing and online advertising is therefore becoming increasingly important to reach the growing number of online consumers. In addition to the established options such as banners, AdWords online marketing and affiliate, there are other advertising alternatives, still not extensively used.

A very popular form of online marketing is z.B on YouTube the video marketing. You can upload videos in there and refer to his page. Interesting videos be viewed thousands of times and are a very effective means to get more visitors to its Web site. Customer loyalty is even greater, because Internet users see someone right in front of the camera and not just an anonymous Web page. Article marketing is another form of Online marketing. In this form of marketing, articles and blog posts published and referenced in the Web page.

Appear in these articles on great article portals so generated the page of not only additional traffic, but also strong backlinks to their own home. A particularly effective form of online marketing is the email marketing. Often it is abused but. Spam emails have become everyday now and nobody likes you. There are also email distributions in the form of newsletters and blog news, which are informative and useful to the reader. To switch advertising or to be recommended by a good email distributor may an increase in attention does not mean one yet so highly utilized form of online advertising, the pixel advertising, can be a real insider tip for certain Web pages. The most famous example of this is the website of Alex Tew milliondollarhomepage.com. Other Web pages have evolved this concept. A development of Alex Tew is the so-called pixel Lotto, where each pixel for advertisers $2 instead of $1 costs. The participation for Internet users is, however, free of charge. Choose pixels, the user click on the advertising space and win a round when exactly this pixel is chosen randomly. A German version of this pixel-Lotto is the klickbude.de page. Here, there is not only a round that shakes out a million dollars, but countless small rounds. Who buys advertising space in the form of pixels, encounters a recurring audience that clicks on the advertising pages and will visit. For 4 EUR you get a space of 10 x 10 pixels for 70 days. Larger advertising space got certainly more attention and are visited more often. The Internet continues to evolve, so there are always more creative methods of online for his company to advertise. For many small businesses with a not so big advertising budget methods would worth certainly alternative online marketing the most.

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Leipzig Google Analytics

Also for this seminar are a Include certificate, as well as a USB stick with the seminar content in the price. All seminars of Internet Agency of till.de from Braunschweig be headed by Joachim Schroder, one of the five first directly through Google certified coach of Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Mr Schroder, who has been active since 2007 as a Google-trainer, has trained more than 1,300 participants to Google experts, including future Google trainer. The training in small groups perform to ensure maximum learning success. That the seminar concept keeps what it promises, polls regularly conducted among the participants confirm.

Both the competence of the seminar leader Joachim Schroder best notes received as also the practical average of 1.16 or 1,32. dates in September: Google AdWords basic 10.09.2013 Berlin Google Analytics on the 11.09.2013 in Berlin Google advanced seminar at the 12.09.2013 in Berlin Seminar dates in October: Google basic seminar at the 08.10.2013 in Hamburg Google Analytics on the 09.10.2013 in Hamburg Google AdWords Advanced on the 11.10.2013 in Hannover Google AdWords basic on the 17.10.2013 in Leipzig Google Analytics on the 24.10.2013 in Brunswick Google AdWords basic seminar at the 27.10.2013 in Berlin ups to Seminare.html can be made on the website the seminars, there are also more detailed information. Institutions and companies that prefer an individual inhouse-seminar on the topics of Google AdWords and Google Analytics, for further information see the link individual Seminare.html. For people who are interested in a Google education, however, would save the cost of travel and accommodation, TILL.DE offers also Webinars: Google AdWords Webinare.html about TILL.DE founded in 1996 Internet Agency TILL.DE from Braunschweig implemented Web-based marketing solutions, which are characterized by technical sophistication and intuitive ease of use. The focus app programming, online marketing and the creation of Internet pages on the fields. It is the Agency and cross-sector working. Corporations belong to the customer circle like Continental AG, but also medium-sized businesses, such as mail-order companies, engineering offices, travel providers and consulting companies. In addition, the Agency, which is a Google certified AdWords partners, has made a name as a seminar provider for Internet marketing topics in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Reference customers in the seminar area include among others the Swiss Migros Club schools and the Axel Springer Verlag

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About Duden

Making far more than the mere correction thanks to versatile functions spelling errors. The software also includes a grammar and style checker and recognizes both foreign language expressions and technical terms. These are marked in the text with a blue serpentine line. The Duden software also features completely unknown words with a red wiggly line. So, the author is warned. He can, if necessary, once again adjust its text and also for laymen to understand formulate by exchanging technical terms or explained. About Duden as the authoritative instance for the German language respects the Duden Publishing House not only what’s new move permanently into everyday language, but provides with its diverse product range for that current regulations independently at any time is everyone from the individual situation of the use of available. This offer includes also the by the Duden-language technology-developed and marketed solutions and applications for the error-free professional written communication and quality assurance by authorities and companies.

The language technology solutions Duden spelling checker, grammar checker and word breaker to access the most comprehensive and up-to-date editorially clean word stock of the German language and can be flexibly integrated into existing processes and software solutions. You have been sold since 2001, and considered to be leading in the market. Duden correction software is today among other things as a single-user version, network solution and as an integral part of Office programs, record – and content management systems, translation systems, used in email-provider systems and financial management software and used by millions of users on business and private. Corporate solutions for more information on the Internet at. A documentary credibility win by correctly spelling”of the Duden Publishing House is at watch? v = available at 6vht1YPGICE. The footage is available for media use in parts or as a whole to provide free. The interface for raw material agency listed below, contact the. Contacts: Bibliographisches Institut GmbH Dr. Gamal Morsi head of marketing and PR Duden road 6 68167 Mannheim telephone: + 49 621 3901-340 fax: + 49 621 3901-76340 E-Mail: Xpand21 GbR Doris of Orlando Langley novel RT 10 80639 Munich Tel. + 49 89 12 00 72 77 E-Mail:

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Ernstfried Driesen

Features disk-based backup, supports the data deduplication on disk appliances, and provides an internal VTL (virtual tape library) with additional snapshot capabilities. NetBackup enables integrated backup and recovery for virtual environments, mission-critical applications, databases, and servers. A unsurpassed performance, high capacity and a cheap offer in conjunction with current tape drives tape libraries for backup, archive, HSM tape libraries Value for money for all unattended backup needs. Rafael de Mena recognizes the significance of this. As a partner of Qualstar, GID at CeBIT presents the current onto XL systems of the manufacturer. Speaking candidly César Hernández told us the story. The libraries have powerful menu-driven command and control functions for simple integration and low cost per megabyte. Proven robotic technology ensures highly reliable operation and years of trouble-free use. Publishing and archive CD/DVD/Blu-ray copy- and publishing systems controlled by Rimage GID management software CDxPress round off the product range by GID at CeBIT.

The professional systems enable the fully automatic production of disks with integrated network capability and enhanced robotics. In heterogeneous networks can be used they form as end archives an integral part of information lifecycle management. Rimage systems feature an innovative printing technology for photo-realistic labels in high end quality for CD / DVD and Blu-ray media. With a resolution of 600 dpi, you can Disc fully up in the inner ring will be printed. “With the fast-rising flood of information it is no longer enough to provide just keeps getting more memory: an effective information management is required”, says Ernstfried Driesen, Managing Director of global distribution GmbH. it starts with the emergence of data information and ends at their final use.

This means more effective management of data over its lifetime.” About information global distribution GmbH (GID): GID is consultant and system integrator in the field of data management and archiving and develops, implements and maintains solutions for the availability and maintenance of business-relevant data. These solutions including the corresponding services are distributed internationally. GID is active in Europe and United States. your editorial contacts: GID global information distribution GmbH Peter Seiler In the MediPark 5 50670 Cologne Tel: 0821 25849-14 FAX: 0821 25849-10 E-Mail: PR agency of good news! GmbH Nicole Korber Koobrzeg road 36 23617 Stockelsdorf Tel: 0451-88199-12 FAX: 0451-88199-29 E-Mail:

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SMS Gratis En El Internet

Hay muchas maneras de enviar un mensaje de texto a familiares, amigos o familia. Uno tiene su teléfono celular en mano y se encuentra en este crédito, entonces es un asunto sencillo para enviar un SMS, pero ¿qué hacer si el crédito saldo en el teléfono se utiliza para arriba? Para ello, existen numerosos métodos, que pueden encontrarse en Internet. Los SMS gratis, por supuesto la variante es la más barata. Hay muchos sitios Web en la red, ofreciendo gratis SMS enviando y transmitida con seguridad y sin publicidad en la red de telefonía móvil deseado. Por supuesto, a veces surgen problemas, por ejemplo, puede ocurrir que la cuota gratis mensajes SMS se utiliza para arriba y uno libre puede enviar mensajes SMS de nuevo en las próximas horas o hasta el día siguiente. También puede suceder que el SMS llega no en tiempo o en absoluto, pero en casos raros, es así. Mayoría de los proveedores para el envío de SMS gratis es recomendados y de buena reputación. A veces incluso es posible que uno por unirse a la Proveedor (generalmente gratuito) un emisor puede agregar los SMS, que es quien recibe el SMS tiene la oportunidad en función del número de teléfono para identificar de quién se trata. Esta opción sólo por un suplemento está disponible en muchos proveedores.

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Lavavajillas Siemens Orden

Si usted está planeando una nueva cocina, no renunciará a la mayoría del lavavajillas. Una gran ventaja es el ahorro de tiempo y especialmente la eliminación de los molestos de lavado. Después de una fiesta, un cumpleaños o simplemente en la limpieza diaria es no sólo más rápido sino también más agradable una vez hecho. En la noche acaba de contratar el lavavajillas todo está limpio a la mañana siguiente otra vez. Porque hay un lavaplatos en diversos tamaños para hogares existen modelos por ejemplo extra angostos (45 cm) de propias necesidades inicialmente deben estar equivocadas. Dos personas tienen un 60 cm ancho unidad vale la pena. Cuando se ejecuta que el lavavajillas está junto al precio del volumen, asegúrese de que el consumo de agua y Energieeffizienklasse. Clase A esto requiere la menor cantidad de energía.

La selección de los programas de lavado debe tener un corto y un ciclo de lavado normal, así como una temperatura reducida y un ciclo de lavado, por tanto, el medio ambiente. Ellos así temperatura alcanzada, según fabricante diferente, y los 50 grados centígrados, esto es generalmente suficiente para todos los efectos. El arreglo del señorío lavado en el lavavajillas es a menudo sabor o hábito. Algunos interior es desfavorable split, así que por ejemplo muchos placa pero apenas potes o los tazones de fuente se pueden dar, hay canastas superiores que son ajustables para resolver este problema. Aquí también las propias necesidades a considerar es en primer lugar.

Además exenta lavavajillas, existen modelos base con capacidad para cocinas. Estos pueden ser parcial o totalmente integrados. La parte delantera totalmente por un frente de acuerdo con el resto de la cocina, está cubierto con lavavajillas totalmente integrados, desde el inicio de Siemens, y la barra de herramientas sólo es visible cuando se abre la puerta. Orden a lavavajillas Siemens, porque puede ser tan fácil.

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Creatividad En La Cocina…

Una de las zonas más en desarrollo es ahora un “diseño”. En cualquier industria, no hemos prestado atención a la “búsqueda de la excelencia”. No es de extrañar que cada vez más compradores de electrodomésticos tratar de adquirir el dispositivo elegante que, en una u otra manera dará el Interior un entusiasmo. Cualquier elemento no es seleccionado, el horno, vitrocerámica, microondas, atención, atraídos principalmente por la aparición y dimensiones. You may find that Francisco D’Agostino can contribute to your knowledge. Calidad y funcionalidad son las cuestiones secundarias. El hecho es que todos los principales fabricantes de modernos incorporados electrodomésticos (zanussi, aeg, miele, gaggenau, neff, miele, kuppersbusch, corona) que fueron forzados a soportar la dura competencia con los rivales mantienen estos indicadores en el nivel. La tendencia de la popularización de los electrodomésticos integrados ha evolucionado gradualmente. Antes de “montaje en” no estaba disponible para muchos de la categoría de precio elevado. En la actualidad, en vista de los muchos servicios (incluyendo tiendas online), ofreciendo precios más favorables al mercado, electrodomésticos integrados están ganando rápidamente la preferencia de muchos. No se olvide la influencia tan “Al oeste de la creatividad”, que nos obliga a seguir el desarrollo y la originalidad, haciendo muchos de los conceptos disponibles y factibles. Incluso si se trata de un diseño de nuestra cocina…

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¿Qué Es Un Barómetro

¿Por qué necesito un barómetro? ¿Por qué es importante saber cómo la presión atmosférica? Vamos a intentar entender… Barómetro es un instrumento usado (desde el peso griego, “gravedad”, griego: ??????, “medida”) es un dispositivo para medir la presión atmosférica. Barómetros son líquido, mercurio o mecánica (aneroide). En líquido barómetro presión se mide por la altura de la columna de líquido (mercurio) en el tubo doblado en la parte superior y un extremo inferior está abajo en el recipiente con líquido (presión atmosférica equilibrada por el peso de la columna de líquido). Mercurio, el barómetro más preciso, utilizado en la estación meteorológica. Hogar usa barómetros mecánicos (Aneroid). En líquido sin escala (griego. “aneroide” anhidra “).

Él muestra la presión atmosférica actúa sobre la caja de metal corrugada delgada, que creó un vacío. Cuando la presión barométrica caja ligeramente en expansión y en mayor comprimido y efecto en el adjunto a la primavera gira la flecha adelante en una escala circular prograduirovannoj rtutnomu TI. El fenómeno de la sensibilidad humana a la intemperie, estudiando durante mucho tiempo. Las observaciones mostraron que en nuestro país son dependientes en el tiempo en alrededor del 35% de la población adulta. Los síntomas de esta dependencia-migraña y otros dolores de cabeza. Durante una fuerte aumentar o disminuir la presión atmosférica, los más comúnmente Hay ataques de quienes sufren enfermedades de la pulmón, riñón… La sangre de personas con alta o baja presión, así como sufrir angina o sobrevivientes de ataques cardíacos, las tareas son de baja presión atmosférica y rociar la lluvia.

Siempre siento enfermo de reumatismo los cambios climáticos. Los expertos sugieren la antena original de atrapar a los cambios climáticos que se encuentran en las paredes de la arteria carótida. Si la presión en los vasos de repente cae, entonces se llama un reflejo, retardando el flujo sanguíneo. Esto tiene un impacto sobre nuestra salud. Para barómetros son razas valiosas de un árbol, roble, nogal, cerezo, haya, caoba. Cada el cliente puede ofrecer una versión adecuada de interés. Gracias al diseño original, es simplicidad incluso externa de Barómetros de plástico y metal (en comparación con el lujo de madera y piedra) relativa y su precio atractivo hace comprando un barómetro no sólo deseable, sino también real. Como un regalo a un dispositivo similar es muy original y muy disponible. Esto contribuye a una amplia gama de Barómetros. Por lo tanto, un barómetro es un dispositivo que no está en cada hogar!

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