ORGA Systems

Orga systems named as sample vendor in analyst firm’s ‘ convergent charging and ‘ integrated policy and charging control solutions categories on four hype cycles Paderborn (Germany), 29 August 2012: ORGA Systems has been identified as a “sample vendor” in four of Gartner’s hype cycle independent prestigious reports. ORGA Systems’ growth as a significant billing and charging player has been signposted in the analyst house’s “convergent charging” and “integrated policy and charging control solutions” categories. The hype cycle Gartner’s hype cycle reports enable companies to gain on extensive understanding of the marketplace and various technologies’ position in it, offering objective insight on how companies can deploy and manage their solutions in their specific industries in a more sufficient and profitable manner. ORGA Systems has gained recognition as a sample vendor in the following reports: hype cycle for communications service providers (CSP) operations 2012-Orga systems named as sample vendor for convergent charging and for integrated policy and charging control solutions hype cycle for consumer technologies. 2012 Orga systems named as sample vendor for convergent charging hype cycle for the telecommunications industry, 2012 – Orga systems named as sample vendor for integrated policy and charging control solutions for communications service provider infrastructure, 2012 – hype cycle Orga systems named as sample vendor for integrated policy and charging control solutions Orga systems enables profitable business for a digital life “convergent charging and billing is our core business where we have not only forged forward to being one of the” so top 4 worldwide but extended it to other industries such as utilities, energy and automotive. “So we’re pleased to be included as a sample vendor in four hype cycle reports by the world class analyst house Gartner, which we believe Prodajalec that convergent technology is on the rise as a key solution for CSPs across several different industries ranging from utilities and energy to telematics, providing yet another proof point to our steadfast vision”, says Ramez Younan, CEO, Orga system.

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