Stuttgart Exhibition Centre

windream GmbH on the this year’s DMS EXPO Bochum, August 27, 2012. The Bochum windream GmbH will present a variety of new solutions and enhancements for the enterprise-content-management-system windream on the this year’s DMS EXPO, which will take place from 23 to 25 October at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre. These include among other things the first presentation of selected features in the upcoming release of windream 5.5, a new PDF Converter, the new windream BPM version 5, the latest version of the email archiving solution windream, Exchange as well as windream bizhub connect, the windream ECM integration in the multi functional systems of the windream partner Konica Minolta. As in every year, so the exhibition program is completed again in 2012 through presentations of with issuing windream partner. Interested visitors will find the windream stand in Hall 5.

The booth number is B 11 views of windream 5.5 to the basic features of the upcoming windream version 5.5 is among other things a revised search application, the are still individual as so far to the personal requirements of users adapted. In addition, a so-called offline mode expanded the DocView windream in windream integrated graphics and document viewer. It allows users, documents, and graphics outside of windream environment on local disks, for example to look at. This considerably enlarged the scope of application of the Viewer. Via an integrated configuration tool, users can also alternative plug-in modules for example Adobe Acrobat for PDF documents, ImageEn, PDF-XChange in addition to a default plug-in library (from windream 5.5), Inso or the Windows preview (from windream 5.5) configure and assign them specific file types in windream DocView. Also email attachments or the contents of ZIP archives can be quickly to sift through the activation of the plug-in modules provided. New PDF Converter-a new windream PDF Converter, who as the default setting of windream DocView on the basis of Oracle outside libraries works, allows users to convert documents into PDF format without the need for the associated original application.

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About Duden

Making far more than the mere correction thanks to versatile functions spelling errors. The software also includes a grammar and style checker and recognizes both foreign language expressions and technical terms. These are marked in the text with a blue serpentine line. The Duden software also features completely unknown words with a red wiggly line. So, the author is warned. He can, if necessary, once again adjust its text and also for laymen to understand formulate by exchanging technical terms or explained. About Duden as the authoritative instance for the German language respects the Duden Publishing House not only what’s new move permanently into everyday language, but provides with its diverse product range for that current regulations independently at any time is everyone from the individual situation of the use of available. This offer includes also the by the Duden-language technology-developed and marketed solutions and applications for the error-free professional written communication and quality assurance by authorities and companies.

The language technology solutions Duden spelling checker, grammar checker and word breaker to access the most comprehensive and up-to-date editorially clean word stock of the German language and can be flexibly integrated into existing processes and software solutions. You have been sold since 2001, and considered to be leading in the market. Duden correction software is today among other things as a single-user version, network solution and as an integral part of Office programs, record – and content management systems, translation systems, used in email-provider systems and financial management software and used by millions of users on business and private. Corporate solutions for more information on the Internet at. A documentary credibility win by correctly spelling”of the Duden Publishing House is at watch? v = available at 6vht1YPGICE. The footage is available for media use in parts or as a whole to provide free. The interface for raw material agency listed below, contact the. Contacts: Bibliographisches Institut GmbH Dr. Gamal Morsi head of marketing and PR Duden road 6 68167 Mannheim telephone: + 49 621 3901-340 fax: + 49 621 3901-76340 E-Mail: Xpand21 GbR Doris of Orlando Langley novel RT 10 80639 Munich Tel. + 49 89 12 00 72 77 E-Mail:

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Ernstfried Driesen

Features disk-based backup, supports the data deduplication on disk appliances, and provides an internal VTL (virtual tape library) with additional snapshot capabilities. NetBackup enables integrated backup and recovery for virtual environments, mission-critical applications, databases, and servers. A unsurpassed performance, high capacity and a cheap offer in conjunction with current tape drives tape libraries for backup, archive, HSM tape libraries Value for money for all unattended backup needs. Rafael de Mena recognizes the significance of this. As a partner of Qualstar, GID at CeBIT presents the current onto XL systems of the manufacturer. Speaking candidly César Hernández told us the story. The libraries have powerful menu-driven command and control functions for simple integration and low cost per megabyte. Proven robotic technology ensures highly reliable operation and years of trouble-free use. Publishing and archive CD/DVD/Blu-ray copy- and publishing systems controlled by Rimage GID management software CDxPress round off the product range by GID at CeBIT.

The professional systems enable the fully automatic production of disks with integrated network capability and enhanced robotics. In heterogeneous networks can be used they form as end archives an integral part of information lifecycle management. Rimage systems feature an innovative printing technology for photo-realistic labels in high end quality for CD / DVD and Blu-ray media. With a resolution of 600 dpi, you can Disc fully up in the inner ring will be printed. “With the fast-rising flood of information it is no longer enough to provide just keeps getting more memory: an effective information management is required”, says Ernstfried Driesen, Managing Director of global distribution GmbH. it starts with the emergence of data information and ends at their final use.

This means more effective management of data over its lifetime.” About information global distribution GmbH (GID): GID is consultant and system integrator in the field of data management and archiving and develops, implements and maintains solutions for the availability and maintenance of business-relevant data. These solutions including the corresponding services are distributed internationally. GID is active in Europe and United States. your editorial contacts: GID global information distribution GmbH Peter Seiler In the MediPark 5 50670 Cologne Tel: 0821 25849-14 FAX: 0821 25849-10 E-Mail: PR agency of good news! GmbH Nicole Korber Koobrzeg road 36 23617 Stockelsdorf Tel: 0451-88199-12 FAX: 0451-88199-29 E-Mail:

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