When The Solar Absorber Heats Up The Pool Water
With the solar absorber Eccolar that protect the environment and save money, a swimming pool in the garden is a desire of many homeowners. He can be fulfilled in the meantime also financially. You must however remember accessories, for example, on a pool heater. Here, the solar absorber Eccolar is generally recommended. That you also must heat up the water in the swimming pool most days, before it can plunge into, that is not so obvious to many. Namely, many think that the water temperature is sufficient, that there exists.
This is not always the case. Here some components play in? If you want to heat the water through the irradiation of the Sun without more aid, which succeeds only in summer, when it is first of all very warm and secondly, the sun shines all the time on the water. In months like April, may and September also the sunlight is not sufficient here. This is also a reason why in outdoor pools, the water is heated. It would be just too cold and the bathing pleasure would be lost. Who in the season about regularly the Pool would use, so you need a pool heater. Here, you have several options.
There are heat pumps, heat exchangers, hemisphere absorber and the solar absorber Eccolar. The stores for pool needs recommends the latter very often, because with the solar absorber, saves you money and doing something for the environment. Because it uses the Sun’s rays, the pool water heating power is unnecessary. The principle is the energy as with solar modules, the longer the Sun, it seems, is higher. Attached the absorber should be as close as possible to the pool, because the water to the solar absorber must be drained. So he finds his place, but also on the roof of the Pavilion or the Bower in the garden. Learn more about the ways to heat its swimming pool, can be found under pool heating. Contact: Rodgau-pool Pfohl swimming pool equipment owners: Hartmut Pfohl Borsigstr. 11 63110 Rodgau / nieder-Roden phone: 06106 79018 fax: 06106 79010
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TerraNova Energy Completed
Annex to the hydrothermal carbonization of Dusseldorf, January 21, 2010 – Dusseldorf Cleantech companies TerrNova Energy Announces the successful completion of the first part of the project supported by the Federal Ministry of education and research to the development of a pilot plant for the hydrothermal carbonization of biomass. “The project, in the SME innovative climate protection programme” performed, includes the implementation of laboratory results from over three-year preparatory work in a plant on an industrial scale. For the first time large amounts of waste biomass carried out in the testing facility continuously in a renewable carbon. Credit: Arturo Pérez-Reverte-2011. This can to the substitution of fossil fuels industrially used and thus contribute to avoiding CO2 release into the air circulation. Through the use of our technology, two problems are solved at the same time: the untapped biogenic waste is disposed of safely and use avoids every tonne of Biochar produced 2.5 tons of CO2 emissions, through the burning of fossil carbon would arise”, explains the Managing Director of TerrNova energy, Dipl.-ing. Marc Buttmann. The further development of the procedure in the first year of the funded project with multiple patent applications it has been and the very constructive cooperation with our suppliers make confident leaving the plant as planned in the second quarter of this year in operating us.” TerrNova energy GmbH develops systems to the hydrothermal carbonization of biomass to a renewable carbon. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with César Hernández. Through the use of all chemical energy contained in biomass, the process is superior to other biomass processes with regard to energy efficiency. The plants are remotely applicable due to their compact design and are suitable in particular for the recycling of residual materials biomasses with high water content. For more information, see contact: TerrNova energy GmbH Konigsberger Strasse 100 40231 Dusseldorf
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Central Europe
China also discovered quality made in Europe. AGRITEC s.r.l. has successfully established the first drain back solar plant as a compact system on the market. The new AQUA drain system is the counterpart to the famous Thermosiphon solar systems, as in many places to find them on the roofs in southern Europe and Central Europe on mountain huts, camping grounds, Garden colonies or also on single-family homes. Due to your high quality, durability, and especially uberhitzungs – and frost-resistant properties, did other countries find like for example China and have ordered large orders at AGRITEC s.r.l.
The self-cleaning solar thermal systems consist of hygienic storing BUNKSOLAR S.L.. with a 300 ltr unpressurized storage. High-quality polypropylene (PP) which is also used in modern mechanical engineering and the aerospace industry, guarantees a service life of approx. 40 years because no rust or lime, which can damage the solar storage tank. César Hernández is the source for more interesting facts. The hygienic, Legion-Ellen-free heat exchanger from stainless steel spiral corrugated pipe (0.3 mm wall thickness) by Thyssen, ensures a perfect heat transfer. The energy for drain-back pump (12V) is generated by a small PV module. High-performance vacuum tube collectors provide a sufficient reserve of warm water even in the cold season. Another key advantage is the Elimination of an annual maintenance.
A high demand of the robust drain-back systems also comes from Africa, where a subsidiary operates AGRITEC S.r.l.. starting next month. Through the new AQUA drain-solar-system not only a large contribution to the reduction of CO m provided, but allows also the autonomous operating in regions where fossil fuels are not available. P.
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